ArCADia-ESCAPE ROUTES is an industry-specific module of the ArCADia BIM system, based on the ideology of Building Information Modeling (BIM). The program can be used to create a network of evacuation routes in buildings. Evacuation routes can be visualised and printed in sizes depending on the user's needs. The program is intended for engineers, architects and builders or people in charge of maintenance in public utility buildings.
The program is an additional module for the ArCADia-START program and extends its functionality with the functions necessary to create professional evacuation maps.
A user of ArCADia-ESCAPE ROUTES can quickly create building plans, including the visualisation of evacuation routes.
Such plans must be available in public utility buildings (hotels, shopping malls, etc.) to assist people inside such a facility to find the fastest evacuation route from the building in case of fire or any other emergency situations. A user can create evacuation maps on the basis of existing building and spatial development plans (formats: DWG, IFC, DXF) or make their own drawings representing a given area using the ArCADia system tools.
The program offers a symbol and board library for protection and evacuation in the case of fire. The library content can be edited.
Among others, ArCADia-ESCAPE ROUTES can be used to:
- create and print evacuation maps on the basis of projections produced in ArCADia,
- create and print evacuation maps on the basis of projections imported from other programs (formats: DWG, DXF, IFC),
- automatically create legends, including descriptions of facilities and symbols used,
- freely scale a viewed evacuation map.
The program contains:
- a library of ready-made symbols and boards compliant with industry standards,
- easy-to-use and intuitive functions for colouring evacuation routes,
- ready-made boards, including the procedures in case of fire or accidents,
- intuitive functions for colouring evacuation areas,
- automated functions for marking evacuation routes,
- symbols, whose colours and other program features are compliant with the European standard ISO 23601 in force.

Why is ArCADia-ESCAPE ROUTES worth buying?
- Unique software, which does not have a Polish-market counterpart.
- It can be extended with design modules for other building industries.
- Combined with the ArCADia-START program, it is a fully functional graphic environment for computer-aided design and support of the DWG format, compliant with the AutoCAD program.
- The program can operate as an overlay for AutoCAD 2011/2012/2013 32-/64-bit software.
Program requirements:
In order to work, all industry-specific modules need a license for:
- ArCADia LT or ArCADia 10 or ArCADia PLUS 10 or AutoCAD 2013/2014/2015.
- If an industry-specific module is installed as an overlay for AutoCAD, ArCADia AC module is required.
System requirements:
- Pentium-class computer (Intel Core i5 recommended)
- 2 GB RAM minimum (8 GB recommended)
- About 3 GB free hard disc space for installation
- A graphics card compatible with DirectX 9.0 (a 1GB RAM card recommended)
- OS: Windows 10 PL or Windows 8 PL or Windows 7 PL