Building Plans area
The Building Plans Area collects solutions containing samples, templates and libraries of pre-designed vector stencils to assist with site planning and technical drawings regarding architecture and building engineering.
Solutions from the Building Plans Area extends ConceptDraw PRO v.9.5 (or later) with the ability to draw floor plans, site plans, plans of building services, fire and emergency plans, and furniture and equipment layouts.
Solutions from the Building Plans Area help architects and building engineers to develop design proposals, communicate ideas and concepts that relate to a design, communicate requirements to a building contractor, record completed work, and make a record of what currently exists.
Business Infographics area
The Business Infographics solutions support all business professionals for whom visual graphic communication is a critical component of what they do - journalists and business people, consultants and trainers, engineers and scientists, educators and students, as well as bloggers and social media fans.
Solutions from ConceptDraw's Business Infographics area help you share and explain knowledge, information and data in an eye catching graphic format. Our solutions help construct graphics that are easy to understand and remember for your designated audience. Business Infographics solutions allow you to convey complex stories based on your information, and quickly deliver timely information to your target audience in an impressive visual way with high-impact effects.
The solutions in ConceptDraw Solution Park extend our ConceptDraw products beyond the scope of what ships with the product, and adds value to all of our products going forward. In your work, if you need to create presentations, conduct meetings, prepare documents, build new strategies, brainstorm, or create an infographic relating to education, content marketing, social media or internet marketing, then ConceptDraw Solution Park provides you with the tools you need to be efficient and successful.
Business Processes area
With Business Processes solutions, we support business process management projects with visualization tools for to assist in developing, improving and optimizing business workflows and methods.
The solutions from Business Processes area extend ConceptDraw PRO's capabilities with a variety of icons, samples and templates relating to process diagrams, cross-functional flowcharts, and workflow diagrams.
Business Productivity area
With Business Productivity Solutions we support managers and knowledge workers - making their jobs easier, saving them time, and allowing them to achieve better results. The solutions in ConceptDraw Solution Park extend our ConceptDraw products beyond the scope of what ships with the product and adds value to all of our products going forward. In your work, if you need to make presentations, conduct meetings, prepare documents, brainstorm, or build new strategies, then ConceptDraw Solution Park provides you with the tools you need to be successful and efficient.