ООО «NTP Truboprovod» was founded in 1992, and currently this is one of leading Russian IT companies engaged in designing of oil processing, petrochemical and chemical plants, industrial safety expert review of process facilities and technical devices, non- destructive examination of vessels, apparatuses, tanks and pipelines.
ООО «NTP Truboprovod» was founded in 1992, and currently this is one of leading Russian IT companies engaged in designing of oil processing, petrochemical and chemical plants, industrial safety expert review of process facilities and technical devices, non- destructive examination of vessels, apparatuses, tanks and pipelines.
ООО «NTP Truboprovod», being an expert organization authorized by Rostekhnadzor, performs its activities on the basis of RTN perpetual license No. DE-00-005576.
ООО «NTP Truboprovod» is a member of Association of Expert Organizations for High-risk Industrial Facilities (Association for Standards «Rostekhekspertiza»)
Core Activities:
- Development of recommendations on complex non-standard engineering problems:
- strength and process calculations of piping systems of complex design at high loads, taking into account impact on the tubes of pumps and compressors and nozzles of vessels
- strength calculations and design of vessels, apparatuses, tanks and building structures at complex loading conditions;
- vibration diagnostics of equipment and pipelines, development and implementation of recommendations for vibration reduction;
- diagnostics of technical condition and estimation of remaining life of the equipment (vessels, apparatuses, tanks, valves, rotating equipment) and pipelines, with elaboration of the necessary recommendations to extend the service life.
- Carrying out expert review of projects, plants, installations, technical devices (equipment and piping).
- ООО «NTP Truboprovod» is entitled to carry out industrial safety expert review of oil-and-gas extraction and major pipeline transport facilities, pressure equipment, thermal plants and networks, petrochemical and refining facilities, gas distribution and gas consumption, explosive, chemically hazardous and special chemistry facilities.
- Development and implementation of software and databases for CAD systems.
- Scientific research, development of methods for hydraulic, heat and strength calculations of vessels, apparatuses and piping systems.
- Development of codes and specifications.
- Providing support in design, in terms of solving complex engineering challenges and automation of design work.
PSRE NTP Truboprovod