APM for educational institutions
APM Study Licenses
For more than 25 years STC “APM” has been working continuously with institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, which is aimed at:
- training young qualified specialists in the field of design, engineering, technological preparation of production and engineering data management;
- equipping educational institutions with modern software.
Today, the software of STC "APM" is used in the educational process in more than 500 universities, colleges and technical schools of Russia and CIS countries. Using these software products, you can organize laboratory and practical classes in the following technical and construction disciplines, such as:
- "Engineering graphics",
- "Strength of materials",
- "Theoretical Mechanics",
- "Machine parts",
- "Theory of Machines and Mechanisms",
- "Lifting transport vehicles",
- "Structural mechanics",
- "Theory of elasticity",
- "Metal constructions",
- "Wooden structures",
- "Reinforced concrete structures" and many others
as well as any special courses of engineering and construction profile. APM software is indispensable for course and degree design, as well as for the preparation of candidate and doctoral dissertations.
Every year, an increasing number of students of educational institutions carry out term papers, graduation projects and research projects using the software of STC “APM”. Modern computing tools allow you to perform design work at a much higher level, in the results of which the industry is really interested. We are very pleased to know that the software of STC "APM" from year to year are becoming more sophisticated and popular, thereby contributing to the overall improvement of the quality of education in our country.
Currently, there are educational versions of the software APM WinMachine , APM MultiPhysics , APM Civil Engineering and APM FEM . The functionality of the training licenses of our software products does not differ from the capabilities of industrial licenses, but they are priced much lower!
For purchase, please contact our office by phone: +7 (495) 120-58-10 or e-mail: com@apm.ru . We will be happy to answer your questions and send the current price list.

Student licenses
Education is an important step in starting a successful career. Therefore, we are very proud to support educational institutions by providing affordable software.
To help students achieve academic success, STC APM provides free access to APM software.
We're excited to educate future engineers with our educational software and learning resources to improve their skills.
You can always download a free version for one month in the upper right corner of our website. To renew the license for another three months, you must confirm the student's status by writing an appropriate letter to the e-mail com@apm.ru
With free access to APM software, you can complete your most successful projects.
For purchase, please contact our office by phone: +7 (495) 120-58-10 or e-mail: com@apm.ru . We will be glad to answer your questions /