|  Renga vs Revit 05/10/2018 / Sultan Rezhepov, design engineer, expert in automation of design processes |  https://rengabim.com/articles/renga-vs-revit/ |
  |  Renga: progress is obvious! 03.03.2018 / Anastasia Tyan |  http://rengabim.com/articles/renga-progress-ocheviden/ |
  |  Managing properties of objects in the information model of the building 02/20/2018 / Evgeny Kiryan |  http://rengabim.com/articles/upravlenie-svojstvami-obektov-v-informacionnoj-modeli-zdaniya/ |
  |  Renga Structure - BIM for the Design Engineer 01.28.2018 / Daria Romanyuk |  http://rengabim.com/articles/renga-structure-bim-dlya-inzhenerakonstruktora |
  |  The main advantages of Renga Architecture when working on a project 01.12.2017 / Artem Borisov, Daria Romanyuk |  http://rengabim.com/articles/osnovnye-preimushchestva-renga-architecture-pri-rabote-nad-proektom |
  |  How to make work in a project organization simple and understandable? Teamwork on the project with the help of Renga and Pilot-ICE 08/18/2017 / Irina Dyacheva |  http://blog.infars.ru/kak-sdelat-rabotu-v-proektnoj-organizacii-prostoj-i-ponjatnoj-kollektivnaja-rabota-nad-proektom-s-pomoshhju-renga-i-pilot |
  |  The facade in the 3D model 14.08.2017 / Natalia Shvabauer, The Russian Newspaper - Special Issue No. 7344 (178) |  https://rg.ru/2017/08/10/cifrovoe-modelirovanie-zdanij-pomozhet-otechestvennomu-softu.html |
  |  Renga Structure - to help the designer! The main advantages of Renga Structure when working on a project. 07.07.2017 / Irina Dyacheva |  http://blog.infars.ru/preimushestva-renga-pri-rabote-nad-proektom |
  |  Do you still draw? Domestic BIM-design is already here! 07/07/2017 / Ekaterina Kuvshinova |  http://isicad.ru/ru/articles.php?article_num=19321 |
  |  To help the architect! The main advantages of Renga when working on a project 10.07.2017 / Artem Borisov |  http://blog.infars.ru/v-pomoshh-arhitektoru-osnovnye-preimushhestva-renga-pri-rabote-nad-proektom |