PASS Software Academic Overview
Many institution’s engineering programs are becoming increasingly computer based with a growing reliance on commercial engineering software applications. In order to support academia in preparing of young engineer professionals, PASS team has designed Academic License program aimed to provide institutions with free access to the PASS Software.
Starting as of 1st June 2019, the Academic Licensing program allows the use of PASS software for instructional and research purposes. The software can be installed in a classroom or lab as well as on teachers' personal computers. Under the academic license, the use of the software for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
The PASS Software offers smart, easy-to-use analysis, simulation, and code compliant sizing tools for every piping and equipment engineer/designer enabling new users to perform piping and related equipment analysis in days rather than months.
PASS team intends to be a part of providing a strong engineering education to prepare young engineers entering the professional world with all of the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.
Program Benefits:
- Incorporate industry-standard technology into your education programs
- Get access to entire portfolio of PASS software
- Get full featured software at no cost
- Choose one of two (or both) options available: PASS software for teaching purposes or for research
- Get new releases of software for free
- Give your students the skills they need for internships and today’s workforce
- Enable your students to find work faster by gaining experience with the industry’s widely used software.
To request PASS academic licenses, fill out the form:

Frequently Asked Questions
- Who is eligible to participate in PSRE Co Academic License Program?
- In what countries is the Academic License Program available?
- What criteria does an academic organization need to meet to be eligible?
- Are there restrictions on how the Academic licenses can be used?
- Can an individual student request a license?
- Which PASS software is available under the Program?
- Are there any technical differences between the academic and commercial versions of the software?
- How to request a license for my university/college?
- How to activate the software in my classroom or lab?
- How many academic licenses can I receive?
- Is academic license time limited?
- What is the renewal process?
- Does PSRE Co offer technical support as part of the program?