UM Pneumatic Systems
Program package Universal Mechanism includes a specialized module UM Pneumatic Systems, which contains tools for simulation of models with pneumatic elements. The following elements are available in the current version of the module:
- Air springs
- Rigid chambers
- Pneumatic lines
- Orifices
The following AS models are available:
- Tabular model: the description of force element includes tabular experimental data on force and volume
- Nishimura model
- Berg model
- Thermodynamic model
Orifice models
Similar to a pipeline, an orifice (nozzle, valve) is a connection between two nodes of pneumatic system. The mathematical model of an orifice includes a dependence of the mass flow rate on the pressure drop. The following orifice models are available in UM:
- Nozzle
- ISO 6358
Pneumatic systems
A pneumatic system in UM is considered as a graph, which nodes are connected by edges. Each node of a graph corresponds to one of the pneumatic elements:
- Rigid chamber
- Air spring (AS)
- Simple node
The graph edges are:
- Pneumatic lines
- Orifices
Verification tests
Case 1: Air spring connected by pipeline with auxiliary chamber