Technological Process
The «Machining» process gives access to the different types of technological operations. Some of the operations can contain separate groups: because of this, the technological process has a hierarchical structure and contains a "tree" type list of operations. The technological process can include an unlimited number of operations of different types. The operations will be included in the resulting NC program in the order that they appear in the list. Each newly created operation is always added to the end of the operation list. In the operation list it is possible to make changes to the order of the technological operations and also remove operations and alter the current operation by further editing of its parameters. It is possible to control the visibility of a tool path and to generate a calculation-technological card (CTC). It is also possible to work with operations in "packet" mode (execute single or execute all operations).
Multi-axis machining (3+1 and 3+2)
Multi-axis machining 3+1 and 3+2 can be produced in SprutCAM in two ways: to set the position of the rotary axes or to install a coordinate system for an operation with necessary rotation and offsets.
Cutting tools
In the system there is support for 9 different types of tool, each having it's own list of parameters. Within these types (end mills, drills, engravers etc.) it is possible to edit the parameters of the tool, which can then be saved in a library for future use in other operations and technological processes. When the parameters for a tool are changed, the tool is interactively displayed on screen.
Supported tool types:
Cylindrical milling cutter - Spherical milling cutter (ball nose) - Torus milling cutter (bull nose) - Double-radius milling cutter - Limited double-radius milling cutter (limited)Conical milling cutter - Limited conical milling cutter - Negative radius cutter - Engraver - Drill (reamer/tap etc.) - Bore head - Radius milling cutter (form)
Depending on the parameters of a tool (the number of tips, stability, type of a material) and on the parameters of the workpiece (the type of a material) the optimum cutting speeds and feeds are automatically calculated.
Tool plunge options
For greater flexibility and management of the cutting process especially at the start and end of a toolpath, there are many types of approach and departure moves available, as well as tool plunge options for cutting into solid material e.g. for pocketing.
The machining strategies
The machining strategies are set by using various parameters. In any numeric data entry field, the parameters can be set as mathematical expressions, for instance "10*sin(45)". The result of the calculation of the mathematical expression appears in the "tool tip text" when the cursor is moved over the data entry field.
The strategies:
To generate the tool path using climb milling, conventional milling or both.Possible to form the tool path for the milling cutter based on a given "scallop" height of the adjacent tool passes.
The use of the surface normal angle(s) which allows optimizing of machining when working with flat and steep areas
A tool frontal angle allows optimizing the tool path based on the angle between the gradient of the surface area and the direction of the milling cutter movement
The direction of the tool movement can be set to cut upwards only.
A tool path can be created to work from top to bottom, or from the bottom to the top.
Toolpath angle
Tools List
The system allows automatic creation of a Tools List (setting sheet) in HTML format. This card displays only included and executed operations of the technological process.
Dimensions available in tool list drawings. All overall dimensions and distances to the origin point will be automatic added.