Program requirements:
In order to work, all industry-specific modules need a license for:
- ArCADia LT or ArCADia 10 or ArCADia PLUS 10 or AutoCAD 2013/2014/2015.
- If an industry-specific module is installed as an overlay for AutoCAD, ArCADia AC module is required.
System requirements:
- Pentium-class computer (Intel Core i5 recommended)
- 2 GB RAM minimum (8 GB recommended)
- About 3 GB free hard disc space for installation
- A graphics card compatible with DirectX 9.0 (a 1GB RAM card recommended)
- OS: Windows 10 PL or Windows 8 PL or Windows 7 PL

ArCADia-SEWAGE INSTALLATIONS is an industry-specific module of the ArCADia BIM system, based on the ideology of Building Information Modeling (BIM). The program can be used to create professional design documentation of drainage systems on architectural background drawings. The program is intended for designers of internal drainage systems.
ArCADia-SEWAGE INSTALLATIONS allows the object-oriented insertion of drawing elements on architectural background drawings, including the creation of design diagrams and generation of extensions and profiles. The user can design a drainage system in terms of drained waste water: grey and black water, rainwater (for the locations of outlet pipes in a building or when it is necessary to run outlet pipes under a building floor) and process waste-water. Plan drawings can be produced on architectural background drawings in the form of bitmap or vector files.
The user can use a library of the elements used in drainage systems, which can be extended and adapted to the user’s own needs as regards devices used and pipeline material types. A template can also be prepared, including the possibility to save the default settings for each program elements and transfer it together with a design between various workstations.
Initially, the user locates risers for a group of recipients, including the possibility to locate offsets (penetrations under floors) ventilation and riser connection methods. To this end, the floor thickness and level height are entered (building geometry data from ArCADia-ARCHITECTURE will be generated automatically).
Connections of devices to risers can be designed and the hydraulic loads can be defined on that basis, which in turn enables the riser diameter to be determined. The program enables the definition of objects in the horizontal and vertical sections: cleanouts, cleanout openings, access chambers, fittings (storm flaps) and backdrops.
An extension of a partial/entire system is generated based on data regarding a number of devices connected to a riser and drainage system.
The program generates longitudinal profiles of a system on the basis of a set gradient, determined diameters and data regarding strip footing and other objects. Individual parameters, e.g. the diameter, can be additionally defined in such a generated profile, which will be considered in the general model of a drainage system.
- The insertion of pipeline routes in a drainage system, including a set gradient, starting from the discharge point with an inspection chamber to sanitary fittings, accounting for discharged waste water types.
- The insertion of discharge points, fittings, cleanouts and automatic insertion of cleanouts on the drain level. The assigning of characteristic data to them.
- The insertion of pipelines, including automatic differentiation into drains, risers and fixture connections - an extensive library of materials.
- The automatic generation of a connection fitting set, including the possibility of modification and reflecting these elements in all drawings.
- Drawing aids allowing a quick and easy way to create the connections of a number of drains at the same time, depending on the connection method and the intended use of the fixture. The selection of fixture connection pipelines to risers from the catalogues of many manufacturers.
- The continuous insertion of vertical and horizontal routes of system sections, the changing levels of a number of system elements at the same time. Typical system elements can be saved in the program library.
- The automatic creation of system point and description numbering, including the possibility to edit and create user templates.
- The complete automatic generation of extensions: drains, risers, fixture connections, including fittings and devices of a drainage system. The possibility to edit and modify objects from the extension drawing level. The shortening of long drain routes and automatic offsets in the extension drawing to make the drawing more comprehensible.
- The automatic generation of drain pipe and riser profiles, including collisions with other systems from the modules of the ArCADia system. The consideration of objects and connection fittings.
- The calculation of section flow rates, fill levels and velocities. The determination of drain section diameters, risers, drain pipes and gradients.
- A 3D preview of a gas system that facilitates the correction of a pipeline route invisible in the plan.
- The verification of a system for correct connections and a comprehensible method of error detection and correction that allows quick sorting by elements and their locations.
- The generation of calculation reports, ready-made bills of materials, devices and connection fittings included in the design for further processing.