Strength calculation of the driving drums of belt conveyors
Under the agreement with JSC "NPO" aconite "by SEC APM strength calculations driving drums of belt conveyors have been carried out using a complex APM Structure3D. Initial data for construction of computational models of drums were transferred to the customer the product drawings.
Calculations were performed to analyze the influence of the type of the compound (and keyed by means of wedge joints) with the hub shaft of the drum strength as a whole.
finite element models of two types of drums were built according to the drawings.

To models were applied initial stress (circumferential force, pressure from the clutch tightening force of strap tension) and set binding. As a result of payment cards of stress-strain state of the structures were obtained.

Analyzing the results, in the first embodiment with the compound of the drum shaft (key) can draw the following conclusions:
- keyway in the hub does not significantly affect the overall structural strength, since the maximum voltage (62.6 MPa) do not occur in the area of ​​the keyway, and a location of the working disc with a hub connection;
- drum strength provided (minimum safety factor of fluidity is equal to 3.9).
For the second embodiment of the drum shaft coupling (coupling) can draw the following conclusions:
- the pressure of tightening wedge clutches strongly affects the overall structural strength, since it creates large stresses in the contact sleeve and the hub (410.7 MPa);
- is not provided (the minimum safety factor of fluidity is 0.5) for a given structure and its strength drum materials.
- is recommended to use a stronger material for the hub (for example, 40Cr steel with a yield strength of 785 MPa).