Renga integrates with the solutions of the firm 1C15-01-2018Renga Software announces the first production results of the integration of the BIM-system Renga with the new edition of the software product "ERP Management of the construction organization 2".Renga Software and ITMO signed a cooperation agreement26-12-2017Renga Software and the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO) signed a cooperation agreement, within which the University will open the first authorized training center Renga.ITLand became a partner of Renga Software20-12-2017ITLand - developer and implementer of integrated solutions for project management of resources on the "1C" platform has become a technology partner of Renga Software.Beng-system Renga Structure is included in the Unified Register of Russian Software15-12-2017Renga Software, a joint venture of ASCON and 1C, announced the inclusion of the BIM-system Renga Structure in the Register of Russian Software.Renga Software - for innovation!08-12-2017Renga Software, a joint venture of ASCON and 1C, took part in the main innovation event of the industry - the III International Forum "Innovation Day in Architecture and Construction", which was held on November 28 in Moscow at the World Trade Center.
- 20.04.2016:
- ASCON Announces XIVth Annual 3D Modeling Contest
- 05.04.2016:
- C3D Labs Upgrades Software Development Toolkit for 2016
- Brand-new C3D Vision Added to Modeler-Solver-Converter 2016
- Brand-new C3D Vision Added to Modeler-Solver-Converter 2016
- 04.04.2016:
- Renga Architecture's Colorful New Release
- New v2.3 adds KOMPAS-3D MCAD import, implements design tools to assist architects
- Renga Architecture's Colorful New Release
The Real History of the C3D Kernel from Anna Ladilova
«C3D kernel development is much more interesting than writing code for known algorithms»17.12.2015:
Renga Architecture Adds Artisan Rendering20.11.2015:
ASCON Group Releases Special Update 2.2 for Renga Architecture
Speedy Update Benefits Users of Most Any Hardware System19.10.2015:
We Can't Wait!
Meet the Special Release of Renga Architecture
C3D Labs Partners with intrinSIM to Bring the C3D Kernel to Worldwide Markets
Cooperation leverages intrinSIM’s engineering software connections to broaden awareness and use of C3D Kernel for development of 3D Applications24.08.2015:
Renga Architecture Opens API to Third-parties
New 3D AEC Software from ASCON Group Adds Foundations, Rendering, More19.08.2015:
Navigate Your Design Journey Effortlessly with Pilot-ICE
ASCON Group Introduces Its New Data Management System23.06.2015:
C3D Kernel Stars during Startup Village 2015
Russian’s Startup Village conference exposes new technology to South Korean firms17.06.2015:
Russia’s Leader in Nuclear Power Licenses C3D Kernel
ROSATOM Enhances Simulation Software with Geometric Technology from C3D Labs